Imam gazali sahih hadisleri
Imam gazali sahih hadisleri

May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him and upon all the prophets and messengers, their families and all righteous people.

imam gazali sahih hadisleri

And I testify that our master Muḥammad is His servant and messenger His beloved and His pure friend the best of creatures the one honored through the mighty Qur’ān, the continuing miracle over the succession of years and through sunnahs that enlighten those seeking right guidance distinguished for comprehensive speech and ease in religion.

imam gazali sahih hadisleri

I testify that there is no deity but Allah alone, there being no associate with Him – the One, the Prevailing, the Generous, the Perpetual Forgiver. I praise Him for all His favors and ask Him for an excess of His bounty and generosity. Praise is to Allah, Lord of the worlds, Sustainer of the heavens and the earths, director of all created beings, sender of messengers, may Allah's praises and peace be upon them all, to responsible beings in order to guide them and clarify the ways of religion by means of decisive evidences and clear proofs.

Imam gazali sahih hadisleri