Ramirez blogspot download meet me where the river
Ramirez blogspot download meet me where the river

ramirez blogspot download meet me where the river

It is not officially recognized by the National Park Service and it has no dedicated on-the-ground signage or blazing. I stitched this route together over two summers in Sequoia-Kings - maybe I’ll see you out there this year during my thru-hike of it. Two-thirds of its distance (82 miles!) consists of committing off-trail travel and long-abandoned trails that were once used by miners, herders, and early High Sierra explorers its remaining one-third merely accesses or links up these more standout and engaging segments. The Kings Canyon High Basin Route (KCHBR) is exactly that - a route. Bring your leg muscles - it averages 725 vertical feet of change per mile. Elevations range from 6,000-12,400 feet but more typically hover in the 9,000-12,000 range. It is encompassed entirely within Kings Canyon National Park, which was established in 1940 and which is jointly administered by the National Park Service as Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park (SEKI). The Kings Canyon High Basin Route wraps 124 miles around the upper watershed of California’s Kings River in the High Sierra. For those of us unwilling to put in the research or time, it is quite nice to have it and the Sierra High Route as options for high routes.” “The Kings Canyon High Basin Route is well balanced in challenge and reward. It’s an awesome one, and I’ll be back for more next year.” “What we saw if the route was extremely fun and exciting, and also more physically demanding than I ever could have imagined. It was easy to follow, navigation and route selection was challenging and fun but never really difficult.” “The KCHBR is really is a world-class route. “I live in Southern California and have been backpacking in the Sierra for 20 years, but this most recent trip was my favorite of them all.” Pyramid Peak is the tallest summit on the left skyline. It’s a fast and brush-free descent on continuous slabs.

ramirez blogspot download meet me where the river

The reward for successfully navigating King Col is Col Creek (unofficial), a tributary of Woods Creek.

Ramirez blogspot download meet me where the river